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Scalable and reproducible micronization process with high yields using 5 grams

Pharmaceutical companies put valuable time and effort into their next big product. From beginning formulations, product creations, pre-clinical trials, clinical trials, etc... There is major spending and long hours of work that are behind the scenes, helping the product become a reality. With micronization being key to the pharmaceutical industry, along with milling machinery that performs the micronization process, it is very important to always find ways of making the process more streamlined and more efficient. The big questions are: How can operators and formulators recover the most product at the end of micronization? What kind of machinery setups are needed to achieve a more efficient process? Will the process be able to be maintained and easily replicable, so that there is consistency? In this whitepaper, we examine the yield values of the SSM44 mill in terms of powder output, along with observing the amounts of product that can be recovered for use versus the amount of starting product and how the process could possibly be scaled up for bigger and faster production. Learn more about the verification of yield values of the SSM44 for process improvement and how it can help pharmaceutical companies make use of recovered product (produced at high values) during initial testing trials, before scaling up to commercial development. See how Schedio can help you with maximizing your quantity of product by using smaller batch sizes (5g-10g) and making the most of it by recovering a high value of product after the micronization process.

>> Go to the Schedio Knowledge Center for more information <<

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Mikserji, Homogenizatorji in Mlini